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Jarring Lightning: Optimistic Pessimism vs. Pessimistic Optimism

Expressions are great ways to have a positive outlook on life; a metaphor or mantra to keep a smile on your face throughout the day. For some of us, all we need is the saying. The words arranged in such a way that they are familiar to us, in order to bring comfort through memory recall, or personal meaning from experiences. For others, these metaphors can be very real, and they're very hidden, only to be revealed to those with open eyes. It is only in the "reveal" that a revelation is formed. For the weary chemists in the concoction of life, the payout comes with the unification of metaphor and real observational experiences. This is one way art is fathomed; the translation of these messages or "observations" into a visual or audible form.

I chose to call these entries Jarring Lightning as I wanted a way for you, the reader, to see that miracles do happen, you just have to know how to find them and see them, without looking for them or seeking them out necessarily. Miracles are not rare to come by at all, that is what I am getting at here. For the record; the term "Jar" in reference to placing something in a jar, is really not used other than within arrangements like "to jar" something. The definition more entails quarrels and sharing drinks; fun facts. That is what I will leave you with before we get started.

What is it, to catch lightning in a bottle? Well, the phrase loosely became a pop-culture reference as it was more widely used in books and music during the rise of the blues in the 1930's United States. It was never officially coined by anyone in particular. It most likely came about as a result of social conversation revolving around, perhaps, early experiments in understanding lightning. For example; creative socialites may have started to joke about Benjamin Franklin catching lightning on a kite, and if that indeed was possible, surely you may be able to lure the lightning down the kite line and into a mason jar, whereby it may be bottled and perhaps sold? In fact, that is part of old Benjamin was trying to do... bottle lightning. Probably an ignorant, subjective assumption on my part, so be warned.

To be frank(lin...), it is accepted that catching lightning in a bottle, or "Jarring Lightning" is an expression people would commonly use to otherwise refer to achieving a feat which is thought to be impossible. This is important because most people make the first mistake off the bat; they assume the feat is impossible. Let me ask you a question; how the hell do you know? If you do, and you can explain it, show me. If you can show me, make a youtube video (good luck beating GE!) either proving or disproving, while verifying your safety precautions to preserve human life and environmental safety along the way. If you made the video, share it with the world. Then, clear a wall for some trophies. You're welcome. Be sure to tag me in it, please... The point is, most people use the expression, but they only affiliate with negativity. "You can't catch lightning in a bottle! If you could, you would never be able to keep it bottled!" as opposed to something like the past tense "It was surely lightning in a bottle."

... uh... we are talking about Zeus level shit here people. If you want to take a real situation and apply it to a metaphor, you better know the road you're going down. Catching lightning in a bottle... well what about a battery? That's like jarred up lightning... no? I mean it's not exactly a mason jar with lightning in it... but it's fucking electricity in a tiny casing filled with isolated compounds which produce and hold electrical charges, which also was essentially used thousands of years ago in Egyptian tombs, now called the Baghdad Battery, back when the expression was actually "That is like encasing the power of Ra into a clay vase!" or something... so... I mean how specific in terms of "Lightning" and "Bottle" do we want to get here?

This is how you can identify a pessimistic optimist versus an optimistic pessimist. An optimistic pessimist will use the "Lightning in a Bottle" line to try and deter you from moving towards a goal, in an attempt to be "optimistic". A pessimistic optimist will use the same expression to see if you know how lightning has actually been bottled in the past. This is likely so they can identify if you have the sight to hit a small target and be a part of something that is nothing short of a miracle. The real thing to take away here is that; leaders who appear optimistic may sometimes lack the experience to foresee disaster, so negativity is safe.

However, balance is the true armor of champions; a dance between the two perspectives in order to weave the ribbon in between, with eloquence. I have come to feel that this is not a dance you can try and perform, it chooses you when you are ready. If you try to dance this dance on your time, you will just keep stumbling through it, so to speak.


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