World Without Sound
Score: 8|10 Cheeseburgers
It's a bit late, but I recently re-visited Sound of Metal and felt compelled to briefly rate and write. There are many worlds that surround us. The tagline here tells all. Life can be like an onion, hence the different walks of life. Director/Writer Darius Marder and his film Sound of Metal brings us into one of those worlds. There's no question as to what distinguished it in winning it's Oscars for best sound and achievement in film editing.
Many things precious things can be ripped away from us without warning. Sound of Metal is about some of those things; the chaotic domino effect which can occur when something so precious is taken that it changes the way in which we survive and exist. As we follow along with Ruben played by Riz Ahmed having to overcome the hand he has been dealt was an interesting ride. The editing and story arc integrate so well together, they would be dancing partners in a ballroom.
Behaviors and dialogue can be a bit brash at times, but the reality is that the performances feel very genuine. Ris Ahmed was very convincing and genuine. There has been an uptick of the usage of sign language in films. This is something I am very happy about. I myself do not know much about sign language, but the more you see it, the more common signs you can pick up on. It is starting to feel more regular which is a great thing for movies and audiences. In many ways, this film transcends it's audiences. It would be interesting to understand the differences in how someone with hearing loss or impairment would receive this movie.
The screenplay and cinematography were nothing short of dramatic masterpieces with accompanying performances that truly immerses you in the world. The color palette was noteworthy throughout, one reason alone to re-watch it alone. The Cinematography by DP Daniël Bouquet was masterful in capturing this kind of content and story. Bottom line, if you have not yet seen Sound of Metal and you have a Prime account, you know what you need to do.
"Music is like a dream. One that I cannot hear." ~ Ludwig van Beethoven